
مرحبًا بكم في نادي وقت العائلة الرياصي

استمتع بإشتراك اللياقه الذي يلائم أسلوب حياتك الأسرية وأهدافك الصحيه في مركز رياضى مخصص يجمع الأسرة بأكملها وذلك من خلال احدث المعدات الرياضية .

رؤيتنا هي خلق مجتمع رياضي متكامل يجمع بين الفئات العمرية المختلفة ويدعم تحقيق أهداف اللياقة والصحة.

  • 1985

    Start with a small service

    This was the time when we started our company. We had no idea how far we would go, we weren’t even sure that we would be able to survive for a few years. What drove us to start the company was the understanding that we could provide a service no one else was providing.

  • 1990

    First employees

    This was the first period when Consulting WP actually felt like it would stick around for a while. We realized we were growing more stable and expanding at the same time. We needed a new office as we had severely outgrown the last one. We started scouting for a new location.

  • 2001

    First recognition

    By this time we were a well known name within the industry. We had been prominent members of the industry for more than 16 years and worked for some of the biggest clients in the industry; we weren’t dismissed by anyone because we could not be dismissed by anyone.

  • 2015

    Corporation or family

    Our journey has only brought us higher. Information Technology completely changes the way we analyze and present data. We have embraced new technologies and have ensured that our clients receive cutting edge analytics. As we go on towards the future we intend to exploit the full potential.



نادي رجالي ونادي نسائي وأكاديمية أطفال في موقع واحد، مما يجعله الوجهة المثالية لجميع أفراد الأسرة للاسترخاء، والتمرين، والاستمتاع.



أحدث المعدات الرياضية والتجهيزات الحديثة التي تضمن لك الحصول على تجربة تدريبية فعالة وممتعة.



برامج تدريبية متنوعة لجميع الأعمار والمستويات، بما في ذلك التدريب الشخصي والجماعي، مما يساعدك على تحقيق أهدافك الصحية بغض النظر عن مستواك اللياقي.



مدربون معتمدون وذوو خبرة عالية، مستعدون لتقديم الدعم والإرشاد لتحقيق أهدافك بأفضل طريقة ممكنة.


More than 25 Years
of Experience

We work with ambitious leaders who want their future to be successful and help them achieve extraordinary outcomes.


projects complited


awards wining


workers employed


satisfied customers

Our mission

Our renowned coaching programs will allow you to:

  • Work fewer hours — and make more money
  • Attract and retain quality, high-paying customers
  • Manage your time so you’ll get more done in less time
  • Hone sharp leadership skills to manage your team
  • Cut expenses without sacrificing quality
  • Automate your business, so you can leave for days,
    weeks, or even months at a time
تشغيل الفيديو

Our team

Our team of professionals includes HR consultants, executive coaches, business professionals, and more.

  • Brandon Copperfield

    Founder & CEO

    The founder of Consulting WP, he has been the captain of this ship from the beginning and has sailed...

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  • Clark Roberts

    Chief Finance Officer

    Being the CFO in the Financial Industry is a tough task, thankfully he was here to man the helm...

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  • Ashley Hardy

    VP Sales and Marketing

    She is an accomplished business developer. Her skills at creating relationships with clients are...

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  • Dennis Norris

    Chief Marketing Officer

    He has helped Business WordPress Theme reach new heights and enter new markets. His skills of understanding...

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  • Gina Kennedy


    As we help other companies grow, she helps us grow. She handles all the internal work at WP consulting...

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  • Fernando Torres

    Tax Consultant

    Tax laws and regulations are some of the most complicated and infuriating parts of the financial...

    view profile
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